A VERY SAD AND BRUTAL NEWS: Hamady Ndiaye may not play due to brutal……

What Has Happened To Respectability In Basketball?Brooklyn Nets Sign Hamady Ndiaye - Rutgers University Athletics



Their recent performances are reflected in the scoreboards. Losing by 17 points to Maryland, a team they had previously defeated and were considered equals with, and being nearly blown out by 40 points against Purdue, a team they’ve historically challenged, highlights a concerning trend. The Knights are grappling with a leadership vacuum, lacking the guiding presence seen in previous seasons with figures like Harper and McConnell. Furthermore, they lack a standout player who can elevate the team’s performance through inspiration.

In the past couple of games, this team has seen a decline in its reputation. In basketball, respect is earned through unwavering effort and resilience, qualities that seem to be lacking as evidenced by basic errors like mishandling inbound passes. There’s a worrying sentiment creeping in that the focus has shifted to the future, diminishing the importance of the current season. Such a mindset doesn’t command respect. If this mentality spreads to the fan base, it could spell trouble for the program’s future.

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